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Who We Are

Our activities, aimed at helping thousands of current and future Yotzim integrate and succeed, are divided into four main areas

Advocacy and Policy Change

Advocacy and Policy Change

Policy Change - Working with policy-makers to ensure equal rights for all Yotzim, with the understanding that it is the responsibility and in the interest of the state to ensure the successful integration of Yotzim in the army, higher education and the workforce.

Individual Support and Community Programming

Individual Support and Community Programming

Offering Solutions for Yotzim - Development and implementation of various types of programs for Yotzim aimed at helping them realize their personal potential and successfully integrate into Israeli society. Programs include personal counseling and guidance, professional and vocational guidance, building diverse communities, courses, workshops, scholarships, tutoring, mentoring and more.

Raising Awareness

Raising Awareness

Raising Awareness about the Exit Movement - Raising awareness about the hope and the potential the Exit movement of Yotzim brings to Israeli society, while changing the discourse about Yotzim and bringing the stories of the thousands of men and women who have left Haredi society to the Israeli public.

Research and Information

Research and Information

Research and Information - The creation of a comprehensive and reliable database that sheds light on the Exit movement and forms the basis for all of the organization's activities, both with government officials and for programming for Yotzim.

Our History


Out for Change is established

Out for Change is established

The initial core claim against the state is organized by dozens of formerly ultra-Orthodox individuals: "It is the state's duty to provide every citizen with an education".

The first programs at Out for Change

The first programs at Out for Change

Out for Change is officially registered. The first program – Out to Learn.

The first lobby in the Knesset on behalf of Yotzim and Yotzot.

The first lobby in the Knesset on behalf of Yotzim and Yotzot.

For the first time, data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) includes accurate data on the extent of the EXIT movement each year. Out for Change establishes a lobby at the Knesset to work on behalf of Yotzim.

The legal claim about core education is formally submitted.

The legal claim about core education is formally submitted.

"who else can I turn to if not the State?" The first step in the battle for the future of thousands of young men and women

The first course for Yotzim

The first course for Yotzim

Yotzim are eligible for academic scholarships from the Kemach Foundation. At the same time, the first course offered by Out for Change is launched.
Registered Yotzim
Participated in courses and workshops this year
Yotzim joined our programs this year
Courses and community events

Board of Directors

Team member

Dr. Shmulik Hess (chair)

Chairman of the board, Co-founder and CEO Tabby therapeutics, Yotze
Team member

Yossi Klar

Chief of Staff, BlueGreen, One of the founders of the organization,Yotze
Team member

Sari Gur

CEO, ForumTec, Yotze
Team member

Igal Jusidman

President, Jusidman Foundation
Team member

Ruth Meller

Consultant and Entrepreneur in Real Estate, Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts
Team member

Raz Lahav

Business Development & Complex programs Manager
Team member

Judy Shalev

Business and Socail Entrepreneur, Yotze
Team member

Hana Gold Levkovich

Social entrepreneur, served as production manager and chief producer in media organizations

Team member

Executive Director
Team member

Vice President
Team member

Alisa Fisher

Team member

Aya Wertheimer

Director of Organizational Development
Team member

Shlomit Kaplan

Policy Director
Team member

Hadas Mor

Director of Community Programming
Team member

Izzy Polyas

Awearness and marketing director
Team member

Adar Anisman

Director of Research and Knowledge
Team member

Dor Ben-David

Head of personal support and professional training

Our partners

Annual Report